Irregular Time Series Breakout

June 9/10, 2021 - SCMA VII Virtual Conference

Ground-based astronomical surveys produce vast numbers of lightcurves with irregular cadences. Specialized methods are needed for time domain characterization, search for periodicity, search for sudden transients, and classification into many types of variable objects. This is an area where most advances are made in astronomical contexts. We'll explore these topics in this special breakout session of the SCMA VII conference.

Moderators: Joshua S. Bloom (University of California Berkeley) and Hyungsuk Tak (The Pennsylvania State University)

Breakout Schedule

Zoom link here (for registered participants). Talk format 10minutes + 5min Q/A

June 9th (Wed), all EDT-based

12:15pm - 12:30pm Keming Zhang (UC Berkeley) - “Classification of Periodic Variable Stars with Novel Cyclic-Permutation Invariant Neural Networks”

12:30pm - 12:45pm Monika Soraisam (U Illinois) - “Challenges and Opportunities in Real-Time Astronomy”

12:45pm - 1:00pm Jakob Robnik (UC Berkeley) - “Probabilistic Exoplanet Search with Fourier Methods”

1:00pm - 1:15pm Ashley Villar (Columbia) - “Learning with Irregular Time Series of Transients and Variables”

1:15pm - 1:45pm Open Discussion

June 10th (Thu), all EDT-based

12:15pm - 12:30pm Eric Bellm (U Washington) - “Time Series Features for the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time”

12:30pm - 12:45pm Pablo Huijse (Universidad Austral de Chile) - “Periodicity in Irregular Time Series: Methods and Challenges” talk link (Google Doc)

12:45pm - 1:00pm Rafael Martínez-Galarza (CfA) - “Anomaly Detection in Regular and Irregular Light Curves: An Experiment with Kepler and TESS”

1:00pm - 1:15pm Elizabeth Melton (PSU) - “Applying ARIMA to Irregularly Spaced Time Series”

1:15pm - 1:30pm Panos Tulis, “Randomization Inference for Exoplanet Detection”

1:30pm - 1:45pm Open Discussion