Physics in Machine Learning Workshop
May 29, 2019 - University of California, Berkeley
This workshop will focus on substantive connections between machine learning (including but not limited to deep learning) and physics (including astrophysics). Namely, we are interested in topics like imbuing physical laws into training (e.g., physics regularization of layers), learning new physical phenomena from learned models, physics-constrained reinforcement learning, prediction outside training parameters, causal inference, and the (physical) interpretability of models. Registration has closed for this event.
Head over to the Preliminary schedule/abstracts of talks
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Joshua Bloom (UC Berkeley)
- Laura Waller (UC Berkeley)
- Fernando Perez (UC Berkeley)
- David Hogg (NYU)
- Kyle Cramner (NYU)
- Benjamin Nachman (LBNL)
Local Organizing Committee
- Stacey Dorton
- Stefan van der Walt
- Francois Lanusse
- Peter Nugent
If you have any questions please contact us at
Organization Schedule
March 1 - Workshop website live, solicitations sent
April 1 - Preliminary participants list posted (Updated: May 14)
May 1 - Preliminary schedule/abstracts of talks posted (Updated: May 1) - if you'd like to give a poster, please fill out the Google Form
May 15 - Final schedule posted
May 28 - (Evening) Arrival
May 29 - This Workshop
May 29 (Evening) - Joint reception for both workshops
May 30 - (optional) MMA Inference Workshop
May 31 - Departure
Those asking for travel support should hold off on making their own arrangements for now. We will be in touch separately on the travel logistics.
These are the workshop hotels if you are planning on making your own arrangements:
- Hotel Shattuck Plaza (
- Graduate Berkeley Hotel (formerly Hotel Durant) (
- The Faculty Club (
- DoubleTree Berkeley Marina (
Immediately following this Workshop, at the same venue, we will be putting on a related workshop for Inferencing in Multi-messenger Astrophysics (MMA). Participants are welcome in both. More...
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